After becoming disillusioned with getting 2 or 3 descent cane reeds out of a box of 5, I started searching the internet for a reliable reed, and on my journey I came across the Fibracell reed: - a synthetic reed which was advertised as being made of "a sophisticated composite of aerospace materials designed to exactly duplicate the way nature constructs cane reed. Very stiff but sound absorbing Kevlar fibres are suspended in a lightweight resin formulation. "
I was sceptical but found a couple of reviews both of which were positive, and despite the price, decided it was worth a try. I usually use a Vandoren Java strength 2 and after much deliberation ordered the Fibracell Premier strength one and a half.
The first thing I noticed was that the Fibracell reed looks and feels very similar to a cane reed; when you hold it to the light it has a much more even translucence which is a testimony to the accuracy of its production, and the feel of it against the lip is indistinguishable from the cane variety.
I set up my sax and played my first note without moistening the reed, and got a clear note with great tone straight away. I could tell there was something different about it and have only just realised (2 months later) that it resonates differently and so the feeling of vibration in the jaw is different. Having said that, there is absolutely no noticeable difference in tone quality to that of a traditional cane reed. And I’ve accidentally caught the tip of the reed a couple of times and it’s not split or bent so it’s much stronger than cane.
So if you are looking for a reed that gives a reliable sound, won’t get water-logged and won’t let you down at the crucial moment, this is the one to get. I’m going to order a second one to keep as a backup!... (voir plus)
Posted on 21/04/2010
By Susan H.
cela fait deux fois que je commande et je tiens a vous dire BRAVO!!
Rapidité, efficacité et communication.
Vous prévénez a chque étape, vous etes rapide donc pour les urgence c'est cool, et efficae car a chaque fois la commande est dans la boite aux lettres entière et bien présentée.
Merci a vous et continuer comme cela je vous ferais de la pub!!
A bientot.
Posted on 29/10/2008
By Elsa B.
Pour saxophoniste expérimenté
Posted on 31/12/2021
By Juliette V
Très bon produit
Posted on 18/05/2015
By Christophe F.